
Goal setting #2

This part is dedicated to finishing the goal-setting exercise. We will look into the rest of the Life Areas and complete the wheel.

🚀 Action

Set goals for the next 12 months for the remaining Life Areas: Personal Development, Relationships, People around me, Happiness, and Joy.

🤔 The Why

Remember the study we shared with you last week? It proves that people who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them. So following this logic, let’s complete the goal-setting exercise and write down ambitious and exciting goals.

🧐 The How

Once again let’s open the MyLife Notion framework, and click on Personal Development. Don’t forget to write down your ideal vision in 12 months and why do you want to achieve it for each life area.

📚 References and resources

1. When goals are known: The effects of audience relative status on goal commitment and performance - APA PsycNet

2. Study: Study focuses on strategies for achieving goals, resolutions - Dominican University of Califonia.

3. The Importance of Writing Down Your Goals - Lucemy