
Goal setting #1

Now that you have created your vision and mission, defined your values and principles, it’s safe to move forward and start setting goals. Setting goals for life becomes much easier once we decompose them into life areas. MyLife features 8 Life Areas, but you are more then welcome to adjust it to your liking.

🚀 Action

Set goals for the next 12 months in each Life Area for Body, Mind, and Energy, Field of Activity, Finance.

🤔 The Why

People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them and be successful than those who don’t. There are multiple research studies that prove this (see References and Resources at the bottom of thе page).

Setting goals for life is quite an ambiguous task and might be very challenging. Once we decompose such a complex thing as “Life” into “Life areas” it instantly becomes more clear and easier to address these areas one by one.

The research shows that writing down goals increases the chances of their completion. On top of that, another research shows that if you share these goals or find an accountability partners you chances of accomplishing those will go even higher.

🧐 The How

Embracing a proven technique of SMART* goal setting, we have created an amazing framework that will help you easily set goals. On top of them, you can easily track your progress, adjust them, or even change.

Open MyLife Notion framework and click on the first Life Area -> Body 💪. There are a few examples that we have prepared to make things easier for you. Before writing your Body goals, we highly recommend create a vision for your body in 12 months time, and also write down why do you want what and what it will give to you.

Once you are done with your Body goals, do the same for 🧠 Mind and Energy, 🚀 Field of Activity (this is your work, business, or education), and 🤑 Finance.

* SMART goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Actionable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

📚 References and resources

1. Why You Need To Write Down Your Goals If You Actually Want To Achieve Them - Forbes

2. The Psychology Of Writing Down Goals - New Tech Northwest

3. Why Writing Down Your Goals Really Does Work - Lifehack